My breastfeeding experience

After labour I knew nursing would be my next biggest challenge after the dreadful experience I had with Cyril. I thought things might be different with Sage since I was more knowledgeable about what to do and not do but the sore cracked and bleeding nipples with blisters still came and left me in tears. I desperately want her back on the breast but the skin is so bad I'm having to express in between her feeds and bottle feed her, all the while praying she'll latch back on properly and my milk supply won't diminish. Those mamas who have had to express in addition to breast or bottle feeding know just how exhausting this schedule can be. I have to express every 3 hours around the clock to keep my supply up and Sage has to eat approximately every 2-4 hours. Since I need to express before she eats that leaves very little sleep time. Add in the 20-30 minutes of breast care and cleaning the bottles and pump and I'm lucky if I get an hour here and there. However, I am determined and unlike my experience with Cyril I love it when she nurses and I'm desperate for her to latch back on so we can continue with this precious breastfeeding bond. I'm sure she's also looking forward to a warm breast after 48 hours of a silicone nipple!

Because I love to document all things motherhood including the good the bad and the ugly I've decided to compile a few of your messages to me, these have helped tremendously. Some have made me laugh really hard until my stitches hurt and others have made me cry but knowing I'm not alone has made it all the more bearable. 

Tat your message was the best advert for contraception ... Ever -Cath

Oh brings it all back to me 😨 the vampire child drinking from the bleeding nipples 😆 good luck and well done you for persevering! X Joanne

Why are we cows!!! It's too funny 😂 Francine

You're doing great. Lots of cake and drink. -Emily

It will perfect in a couple days, have a Guinness. - Jaynie

No one really tells you how much it hurts but for the first month with Lindsae I gritted my teeth and choked back tears everytime she was ready to nurse again. Fortunately that pain DID eventually go away then she could have stretched my nip past the Eiffel Tower and back and I wouldn't have noticed! - Sarah

I don't have any experience with this but I'm sending you so much love and positive vibes Tat!!! You're a wonderful momma, hang in there!!! -Lisa

Do you remember the breastfeeding high? It just takes a bit to get your coregulation in harmony. Baby Sage may need a slight chiropractic adjustment to help latching. I'm here if you need me.- Tracy

As always thank you for your support especially as I embark on this new chapter of motherhood with two babes in tow. Next blog will be a letter written to me from a friend after Cyril was born with some amazing breastfeeding advice. I never deleted the email because I knew I would need it again and I've even passed the information on to several of my friends.


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